Thursday March 28th 2013

By paul
In March 27, 2013



400 Meter run
10 Toes to bar
10 Kettle-bell swing
20 Toes to bar
20 Kettle-bell swing
5 min – hip & shoulder mobility

A. Build up to a 3 rep max back squat
– After build up take 85% of heaviest load and perform 2 sets of max reps, rest 3 min

B. 3 Rounds of
15 wall walks
30 Box Jump (24/20)
300 Meter row

Endurance Session (6:00 am)

A. Run 1 mile
rest 1:1
Run 1 mile

rest 5 min

B. OTM x 15 min
12 Kettle-bell swing
6 Burpee

50 Weighted sit-up
100 Plank jacks

Barbell Club (7:00 am & 6:30 pm)

A. Pause snatch + Hang snatch (mid thigh) + OHS
– Build to a max

B. Power clean + Hang clean + 2 front squat
– Build to a max

C. Build to a 1 rep max push press
– After max, take 85% and perform 3 sets of 4 reps, rest 2 min

3 Sets of
15 GHD sit-ups
rest 1 min

Open Prep: Practice linking toes to bar together

PumpFit (10:00 am)

Intro… (teams of two)
5 Min Row (alternate every 150 meters)
5 Min Run (alternate every 30 yard shuttle)
5 Min AD (alternate ever :20 sec)
5 Min Skip rope (alternate every 3o double unders or 90 single)

The Primer…
3 sets
:30 secs/each DB row (heavy)
:30 sec Kettle-bell swing
rest 30 sec

3 Sets
:30 sec DB Jump lunges (switch feet in air)
:30 sec DB curls & press
rest 30 sec

The Grind…
100 Burpee

The Pack…
“Tabata” Ab-mat sit-up X 10 rounds

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