Thursday March 14th 2013

By paul
In March 13, 2013

Open WOD 13.2 (Performed on Friday in class)

10 Minute AMRAP of:
5 Shoulder to overhead (115/75)
10 Dead-lift (115/75)
15 Box jumps (24/20)


800 Meter sandbag run with a partner trading off who carries the bag
8 Min mobility (snatch, receiving position, hamstring)
Burgner Warm-up X 3 reps at each skill transfer with barbell

A. Hang (just below knee) Power Snatch
– Build to a heavy 3 Rep

B. Low Bar box squat
– Learn, practice and build to a challenging 3 rep
– Start light and get the movement down before any significant load increase

Kelly Starrett covering the Low bar box squat

C. 5 Min AMRAP
12 DB Thruster (35/20)
8 Burpee

Endurance Session (6:00 am)

Warm-up mile (2 laps around columbia)
Leg swings+arm rotations+full body joint mobility (head to toe)
3 Min mobility WODs

A. 3-5 rounds (or until form/pace deteriorates)
:60 sec Run (run to driveway +/- 50 Meters), :60 sec rest (Track meters if possible)
:60 sec Airdyne (track calories), :60 sec rest
:60 sec Row (track meters), :60 rest

3 sets of:
50 Flutter kicks
25 Sit-ups

Barbell Club (7:00 am & 6:30 pm)

A. Build to a max effort muscle snatch
– Spend 10 minutes building to a heavy single
– Focus on proper pulling mechanics and contact of the bar, NO RE-BEND!!!

B. Build to a max effort snatch grip push press + OHS
– Stay tight and be aggressive
– Focus on slow and controlled overhead squat while making sure to hit the proper depth

C. Build to max effort heaving snatch balance
– Get under the bar as fast as possible, sticking your landing position with a nice vertical torso
– Active shoulders and strong elbows

D. Max effort snatch
– Build to max for the day

E. Max effort clean and Jerk
– Build to a max for the day

PumpFit (10:00 am)

Intro… (12:00 min)
Run 800 Meters with a 45# barbell
– In remaining time complete AMRAP of:
20 Push press (45/25)
20 Back squat (45/25)
40 Double unders

rest 1 min

The Primer…
2 Rounds of
1:00 min at each station with 1:00 min rest B/T rounds
Broad Jumps (6’/4′)
Ring Rows
Kettle-bell sumo dead-lift high pull (70/53)
Plate sit-ups
DB lateral raise + front raise (25/15)
Rocket Jumps (must jump 6″)

rest 1 min

The Grind… (20:00 min)
For time:
3 Rounds of
25 Wall ball (20/14)
15 Burpee
2 Rounds of
30 Box jumps (24/20)
100 Meter farmer carry (heavy!)
1 Round of
35 Pull-ups
25 Cal. Row

The Pack… (5:00 min)
Planks, Poses and Stretches

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