Tuesday February 19th 2012

By paul
In February 18, 2013




3 Rounds of:
250 meter row
10 PVC overhead squat
15 Ring rows
5 min – band/roller mobility (press + overhead)

A. 3 sets of:
10 DB press (heavy for 10 unbroken)
rest 15 sec
10 Strict pull-up
rest 1 min

B. For time:
30 Power clean (185/135)

rest 5 min

C. 15 Minute AMRAP of:
10 Kettle-bell swing (70/53)
10 Burpee
10 HR push-up

PumpFit (10:00 am)

With 10 minutes on a clock
Row 2ooo Meter
In remaining time…
Burpee box jump over (20″)

rest 1 min

The Primer…
3 Rounds of:
AMRAP 5 minutes
21-15-9 reps
Kettle-bell swing (53/35)
Wall ball (20/14)
rest 1 min B/T sets

rest 2 min

The Grind…
5 Rounds of
:30 sec Airdyne (keep watts above 300/200)
:30 sec DB push press
rest :30 sec
5 Rounds of
:30 sec Double under
:30 sec Renegade rows
rest :30 sec
5 Rounds
:30 sec Diamond push-up
:30 sec Sandbag squat (60/40)

rest 1 min

The Pack…
2 min abmat sit up
1 min weighted plank (25/15)

Weekly Member Challenge # 10

Max unbroken reps of Kettle-bell swings (53/35)
– Perform one set of as many reps as possible

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