Getting It Done

By paul
In September 12, 2012

We’ve noticed a strong sense of community with our members over the last few weeks. Our momentum is growing through events, Saturday workouts, being a legit affiliate on, Facebook posts and people just enjoying being outside and doing something different. We can’t thank the community enough for the support over the last eight weeks. We are dedicated to this new gym and to you guys. We promise our team will continue to do everything in its powers to get a roof over your head, as soon as possible. SALUTE!

Thursday September 13th 2012

5:00, 6:00, & 7:00 AM – Expo Design Center- off Greenfield and Rancho Niguel in Laguna Niguel

5:30 & 6:30 PM – La Paz Intermediate School- Upper Parking lot off of La Paz Rd


A. 9-6-3 reps of:

Pistols (Alternating – each leg)

– After every set perform 20 double-unders and 3 attempts at a free standing handstand hold (Scale with a :20 sec static hold against wall)

B. For time complete:

200 meter shuttle run (10 M. out and back, 20 M. out and back, 30 M. out and back, 40 M. out and back)

– Rest the time it took you to complete, then repeat. Score is total time for both shuttles including rest.

Rest 1 min

C. For time complete:

30 Over-head walking lunge (45/25)

20 Power snatch (115/80)

100 yd. Barbell carry (115/80)

20 Power snatch (115/80)

30 Over-head walking lunge (45/25)



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