Monday January 28th 2013

By paul
In January 27, 2013



A. “Goat” Skill work
– We’re going to change the goat work up a bit today. Choose between one of the following skill sets:

1. OTM X 15 Min
10-30 Double unders
– Go with a rep amount your able to perform unbroken or within two sets

2. OTM X 15 Min
1-3 Muscle up, muscle up transition drill or attempts
– Work transition at a challenging variation or practice stringing a few together

3. OTM X 15 Min
3-7 Kipping pull-up
3-7 Dip (rings or static bar)
– Perform both movement in the 60 sec time period

4. OTM X 15 Min
5 Handstand Push-up
– Set up with either plates and an ab-mat, parallettes at a deficit or just classic head to deck.

B. 20 Rep max Back squat
– Warm up and build to a 20 rep max back squat.If you completed all 20 reps last week look to complete with 5-10 more pounds.

C. In teams of two with one person working at a time complete the following for time:
100 Toes to bar
75 Push press (95/65)
200 Double unders
– Share the reps, transition fast and get after it

Weekly Member Challenge # 7

3 Rounds
30 Sec. Max Calories Airdyne
3 Min rest
– Score is total number of Calories completed for all three rounds…. These efforts are supposed to be all out.

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