Cupid’s Massacre

By mike
In January 14, 2013

Cupid's Massacre Artwork v2b

Friday – February 15, 2013

Open to all members of the CrossFit community!

– 24 Intermediate Teams
– 24 Advanced Teams
– 5:00pm Athlete Check-In
– 5:30pm WOD #1
– 5:30 – 7:40pm FLOATER WOD
– 7:45pm WOD #2
– 9:30pm Award Ceremony
– 2 Person Teams = 1 Man + 1 Woman
– $99/Couple
– Spectator Tickets = FREE!
– Registration Opens 1-14-13

Sign up using the following links.  You will be prompted to create a WODTogether account.  When you click Buy, you will be taken to to pay for the event for your team.  The entire process is very simple and should only take a few moments.

Advanced Couples: Click Here

Intermediate Couples: Click Here

If the product is no longer available when you attempt to purchase, that means that the division is sold out.  Email to be added to a waiting list.

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