Wednesday December 19th 2012

By paul
In December 18, 2012

Not sure if you guys know this, but Coach Noe has magical powers.

Wednesday December 19th 2012
5:00, 6:00, 7:00 & 9:00 am
4:30, 5:30 & 6:30 pm


A. “Silent Night”
For time:
20 Overhead squat (155/105)
20 Box jumps overs (24″/20″)
20 Push jerks (155/105)
20 Power cleans (185/135)
20 Overhead lunge (45/25)
20 Burpee pull-up

1 min/each – banded shoulder distraction
1 min/each – quad smash with barbell or laying on a roller
1 min/each – coach stretch
500 meter row (easy pace really focusing on proper stroke mechanics and recovery)

Weekly Member Challenge #2

1 Min max distance “Dogsled” push (145/100)
– Set up two cones 50 feet apart, accumulate as many feet as possible over the course of the minute.

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