2019 State of the Nation

By shannon
In September 17, 2019

Annual Partner In-House Competition

WHEN: Saturday November 2, 2019
WHERE: Ruination CrossFit
COST: $20 per Person

Teams of 2 (male/male or female/female) in 2 Divisions (Intermediate & Advanced) will compete in 3 partner WODs to determine the winners!

Registration is Open!

Intermediate or Advanced
(purchase individually…we will email you to find out your partner’s name)

WOD #1: Master of Puppets
Partner A Completes (while Partner B rests):
5min AMRAP:
– Deadlift 155/105 (Intermediate 95/65)
– Hang Clean 155/105 (Intermediate 95/65)
– Shoulder to Overhead 155/105 (Intermediate 95/65)
Immediately Into:

Partner B Completes (while Partner A rests):
5min AMRAP:
– Bar Muscle-Up (Intermediate Pull-ups)
– HSPU (Intermediate w/25# plate+abmat)
– Pistols, each leg (Intermediate air squat)
Immediately Into:

5min AMRAP*:
– Toes to Bar (Intermediate Toes to Ring)
– Thrusters 95/65 (Intermediate 75/55)

*Partner A does 2+2, Partner B does 4+4, Partner A does 6+6, Partner B does 8+8, etc. WOD #1 will have 3 separate scores for your team (total reps for each part).

WOD #2: Ride the Lightening

3min AMRAP*:
– 5 Snatches 115/75 (Intermediate 75/45)
– 5 Overhead Squats 115/75 (Intermediate 75/45)
– Max Calories on the Bike in remaining time
Rest 1min

3min AMRAP*:
– 3 Snatches 165/95 (Intermediate 115/65)
– 3 Overhead Squats 165/95 (Intermediate 115/65)
– Max Calories on the Bike in remaining time
Rest 1min

4min to establish a max effort:
– 1 Snatch + 1 Overhead Squat

*Partner A performs snatches and OHS, then Partner B performs snatches and OHS, then both partners share calories on the bike (alternate however they see fit). You and your partner MUST complete the snatches and overhead buy in to move on to the bike. WOD #2 will have 3 separate scores: total reps + calories for part A, total reps + calories for part B, and total pounds of the part C max effort.

WOD #3: And Justice For All
For Time:
– 70 Calorie Row (all divisions), one person working at a time
– 150 Wall Balls 20/14 (Intermediate 14/10), one person working at a time
– 30 Synchronized Burpee Box Jumps 24/20 (both athletes must stand fully on the box at the same time for the rep to count as synchronized)
15min Cap

Questions? Want to volunteer to judge/photograph?
Email info@ruinationcrossfit.com

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