2016 State of the Nation

By shannon
In September 26, 2016


Annual In-House Competition


WHO:  Teams of 2 Males or 2 Females

WHAT:  Members Only Competition

WHEN:  Saturday, November 12th

WHERE:  Ruination CrossFit


      • Teams of 2 (2 males or 2 females)
      • 2 Divisions:  Intermediate and Advanced (Intermediate divisions can be scaled)
      • $50/team includes 3 WODs, photos, barbecue and prizes for podium finishes
      • Barbecue & beer celebration after!
      • Friends and family are welcome to come spectate

Questions?  Not sure which division is right for you?  Email info@ruinationcrossfit.com

Register at WODTogether.com



For Time (Time Cap 15min):
20 Snatches 135/85
18 Clean & Jerks 185/125
16 Snatches 155/95
14 Clean & Jerks 215/135
12 Snatches 185/105
10 Clean & Jerks 245/145

*Snatches are full squat snatch.  Cleans are full squat cleans.  One bar for snatches, one bar for clean & jerks.  Add weights yourself.  You can add weight while your partner is working.  No minimum work requirement (one person can do all snatches, the other all cleans).  One person working at a time.

“Vertical Epic”

For Reps/Time:
Every 2 Minutes for 16 Minutes (8 rounds)
6-8-10-12-14-16-18-20 Cal Row
6-8-10-12-14-16-18-20 Cal Bike
3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10 Rope Ascents 14′

*Partners bike/row simultaneously.  Once both partners are done, begin rope ascents.  No minimum rope ascent requirement (one person can do them all).  Tiebreaker will be the completion time on the bike each round.  As soon as you cannot complete all reps in the 2 minutes you are done and your score is total reps.


For Time:
20/40/60yd Dog Sled Suicide 135/95#
20/40/60yd D-Ball Carry Suicide 150/100#


NOTE:  Intermediate division can be scaled further if needed (less weight, rope pulls instead of climbs, etc.), but will affect your overall scores in the competition.  Reach out to a coach for details!


For Time (Time Cap 15min):
20 Snatches 85/65
18 Clean & Jerks 125/65
16 Snatches 95/75
14 Clean & Jerks 155/85
12 Snatches 115/85
10 Clean & Jerks 175/115

*Snatches do not have to be full squat snatch.  Cleans do not have to be full squat cleans.  One bar for snatches, one bar for clean & jerks.  Add weights yourself.  You can add weight while your partner is working.  No minimum work requirement (one person can do all snatches, the other all cleans).  One person working at a time.

“Vertical Epic”

For Reps/Time:
Every 2 Minutes for 16 Minutes (8 rounds)
6-8-10-12-14-16-18-20 Cal Row
6-8-10-12-14-16-18-20 Cal Bike
3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10 Rope Ascents 10′

*Partners bike/row simultaneously.  Once both partners are done, begin rope ascents.  No minimum rope ascent requirement (one person can do them all).  Tiebreaker will be the completion time on the bike each round.  As soon as you cannot complete all reps in the 2 minutes you are done and your score is total reps.


For Time:
20/40/60yd Dog Sled Suicide 95/70#
20/40/60yd D-Ball Carry Suicide 100/60#





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